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Important Dates

8/8- Meet the Teacher- 3:30-4:30pm

8/12- First Day of School

8/28- McTeacher's Night 5-7pm

8/30- Spirit Day- Color Wars: 

    Pre K & K- Purple 1st- Blue 2nd- Green

    3rd-Yellow 4th- Orange 5th- Red

9/2- Labor Day (No School)

9/10- Thorpe Fun Run

9/16- Staff Development Day- No School for Students

9/19- Spirit Day- Pirate Day

10/8- Fall Picture Day
10/14- Parent Conferences- No School for Students

10/18- Spirit Day- Western Wear

10/18- Fall Festival/Literacy Night

10/25- Nevada Day- No School 

11/5- Election Day- Staff Development Day- No School

11/8- Spirit Day- Camouflage Day

11/11- Veterans Day- No School

11/22- Spirit Day- Golden Knights Day

11/27-11/29- Thanksgiving Break

12/3- Fall Make up Picture Day

12/5- Spirit Day- Disney Day

12/20- End of Semester 1

12/23-1/3 Winter Break

1/6- Classes Resume


News & Announcements









Our students have raised over 5,000 for our annual fun run!


SOT Parent Nomination

As part of the reorganization of the Clark County School District, our school has a School Organizational Team that includes 3 parents and guardians.  Members will be elected by a vote of all parents and guardians at the school.  Your input is important to the success of our school and students.  Please take time to consider how you can be involved in this process and make your voice heard at our school!   

Pre-K Interest Form

Jim Thorpe Elementary School is pleased to announce a preschool opportunity for children ages three and four within our community. This unique experience in Early Childhood Inclusion will provide developmentally appropriate preschool instruction to children in a learning environment which includes students with disabilities.  If you are interested in having your child participate in this learning experience, please fill out CCSD's Pre-Kindergarten Interest Form or call 702-799-7479 for additional information.


Free Breakfast/Lunch - CEP Program

The Clark County School District Food Service Department will be implementing a program at Jim Thorpe called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).  All students are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch every day for no charge during the 2023-2024 school year.  

Pre-K 2024 Eng.png
Pre-K 2024 Sp.png

Safekey is a before- and after-school enrichment program that follows the Clark County School District’s calendar. Registration is available online and at all of our recreation centers. Payments are due prior to the child attending the program. Click here for more information!

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Health and Safety

We will request all families start their morning by using the  Parent and Guardian Guidance Checking Your Student Before Leaving Home to check for symptoms/conditions prior to sending the students to school.  This will help support our campus in staying healthy and safe. 

We will continue to require all students and staff upon entering the campus to wear masks as well to ensure a safe environment. 

Medical Tools

Please review the Medical Emergency Tools for School video created by CCSD's HEARTEd team. 

Medical Tools Video

Safety Reminders

Students who are not supervised prior to 8:40 should not be left unattended on school grounds. Additionally, if students who are not being safe riding their bikes in the parking lot unattended may be restricted from riding their bikes/scooters to school in the future. 

The parking lot at Jim Thorpe is closed to all traffic as students enter and exit the campus from 8:30 - 9:00 and from 2:45 until buses depart.  If you are in the lot prior to these times you must stay in the lot until buses and students have entered and exited for the safety of students and staff. 

Dress Code

Some additional reminders as we come to the end year and the weather is getting warm but CCSD dress code and student standard attire must be followed.  Some of these rules are as follows:

  1. Prohibit wearing crop tops (no skin showing between bottom of shirt/blouse and top of pants or skirts), strapless, low-cut clothing with slits, or tops and outfits that provide minimum coverage.

  2. Prohibit wearing clothing with spaghetti straps. 
    All sleeveless shirts must have straps at least three inches wide and cover the shoulder.

  3. Require that all shorts, skirts and dresses must be at fingertip length.  If shorts are worn, they must be hemmed and without fraying.

Just One Project

Every month The Just One Project has mobile community markets at CCSD schools all across the Las Vegas Valley where you can drive through, with zero requirements, and pick up 40-60lbs of food. The Just One Project also provides Meals on Wheels for seniors as well as a variety of other food programs, you can sign up for these programs by calling 702-462-2253 or visiting their website at  JustOneProject  Please see attached for more information.  Food distribution begins at 9 a.m. and ends when the organization runs out of food for the day. 

Cell Phone Info to highlight:

·    Cellular phones may only be used prior to the first bell or after the final bell.

·    Students are to never access the internet on school campus while on their own devices as it would be unfiltered nor share it with other students to use at school. 

·    Students are to never take pictures of other students on campus or post or access social media sites while at school. 

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